dplyr spread

dplyr: gather and spread

R programming tutorial: spread() of Dplyr to spread data across multiple columns in R

gather and spread functions from tidyr

Tidyr package - Gather, Separate and Spread function | Restructuring data columns and rows in R

[R Beginners]: Spread one column values to multiple columns in R

tidyr gather spread unite (part-4) in English

R : combine tidyr::spread and dplyr::summarise in single step

Tidyverse - Spread from long to wide

R data analysis using dplyr session 147

R : Spread columns by count in R dplyr

R : Implicit sorting in tidyr::spread and dplyr::summarise

ReshapingAndManipulatingData.3.Introduction to TidyR

2.12 Tidy data, gather and spread (unpivoting and pivoting) + column selection

Tidyr: Gather e Spread

Demo- tidyR - gather and spread operations

Tidyr Package in R | Tidyr Gather | Tidyr Spread | Reshape Data in R

3-6 Tidy Data - Reshaping Data with spread() and gather()

Tidy messy data | R for data science | tidyr tidyverse package

Hadley Wickham | Maintaining the house the tidyverse built | RStudio

R: Tidyr Package Intro, data wrangling

Rapid R ! The gather() and spread() functions

R Tips for Beginners - dplyr - How to Quickly Type Pipes

Tidy Data and tidyr -- Pt 2 Intro to Data Wrangling with R and the Tidyverse